Michael Hogberg, EA

Tax Implications of Starting a New Business

Starting a new business is an exciting venture that comes with many opportunities and challenges. One of the critical aspects that new business owners need to consider is the tax implications. Understanding these can help you make informed decisions, avoid costly...

Tax Deductions You Might Be Missing

As tax season approaches, it's essential to ensure you're taking advantage of all the deductions available to you. Missing out on eligible deductions can result in paying more taxes than necessary. Here’s a guide to some commonly overlooked tax deductions that can...

Case Study: Bad Bookkeeping Leads to Federal Prison

Ascendancy is committed to providing expert tax planning and compliance services to businesses across various industries. In this case study, we shed light on a real-life scenario that emphasizes the importance of accurate bookkeeping and the consequences of...

Maryland Security Guard Convicted of Tax Evasion

Wednesday, December 14, 2022 A federal jury convicted a Maryland security guard today of tax evasion. According to court statements and evidence presented in court, Gaston Gilberto Reyes, of Germantown, did not file income tax returns with the IRS for the years 2015...